
Projektantski tim:
I. Kebel, M. Cimolini, P. Spacapan and F. Dech

Prototip vodenog centra lociran je u najkišovitijem Holandskom gradu Gaudi. Ovaj inovativni tehnološki i organizacioni koncept ne koristi vodu samo kroz svoj sistem već pretvara industrijsko postrojenje u javni rezort.

Elastik predlaže strateški prsten od 10 lokacija na centralnoj mapi Gaude, gde bi posetioci i lokalno stanovništvo bili uključeni u vodene sadržaje grada, koliko za rekreaciju, toliko i za komercijalne i poslovne potrebe. Svih 10 tačaka imaju pešački pristup i pristup brodom i ona su novi vodeni događaj za dnevne potrebe. Na nekim mestima u gradu u zaštićenim kulturnim celinama grada postoje projekcije dnevnog kvaliteta vode, a na drugim mestima tu je vodeni park za zabavu i rekreaciju vikendom.

Centralna stvar kod pomenutih 10 tačaka je  Waterstore, lociran na tački spajanja starog i industrijskog dela grada, na uglu ulica Niueve Verstal i Burtje (Nieuwe Veerstal i Buurtje). Napredna građevina napravljena je da obučava, zabavi, čisti i komunicira. Ona je skladište za vodu i prostorija za čišćenje koja uvodi kišnicu kao nov građevinski materijal, dok se u samoj građevini nalaze konferencijska sala, kancelarije, prostorije za sastanke i seminare, restorani i barovi, agencija za iznajmljivanje brodova, kao i mala brodska luka. Zidovi i podovi su providni vodeni tankovi kroz koje protiče pijaća voda, koju koriste posetioci i stanovnici Gaude.

Design Team:
I. Kebel, M. Cimolini, P. Spacapan and F. Dech

A prototype for the water-centre which is located in the rainiest Dutch town Gouda. This innovative technological and organisational concept is not only using water structurally but also converting an industrial facility into a public resort.

Elastik is proposing a strategic ring of 10 locations on Gouda’s central city map, where visitors and local will be literally engaged with the town’s water elements, as much as for the recreation, leisure as much also for commercial and business purposes. All 10 water points are accessible by foot or by boat and are the new water interfaces for the daily use. At some spots in the monumentally protected town centre there are only water screening projections of the daily water quality, and elsewhere there is a water park for leisure and weekend recreation.

The focal point of the 10 water attractors is the Waterstore, located at the hinging point of the old and the industrial part of the town, at the crossing of the Nieuwe Veerstal and the Buurtje streets. The landscaped building is programmed to educate, to entertain, to clean and to communicate. It is a water storage and cleaning facility, which innovates the rainwater as a structural building material, while accommodating conference hall, office spaces, meeting and seminar rooms, restaurants and bars, rent-a-boat and small boat docking resources. The walls and the floors, performing as the visible water tanks, are responding to the daily water properties and communicating it back to the visitors and inhabitants of Gouda.


Prethodni članakArchitects Party 2009 – Aperitiv
Sledeći članakMuzej savremene umetnosti Vojvodine / Vojvodina Contemporary Art Museum

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