Architects Party 2009 – Aperitiv

Originalni događaj koji otvara arhitektonske studije sa programom Aperitiv – poslovne zabave po pozivu, je stigao i u Peruđu sa velikim uspehom i brojnim učesnicima. Posle Milana i Firence, ovo je treći grad. Za razliku od prva dva, zanimljivo je naglasiti da su u ovom gradu arhitekte povratnici, školovani van mesta rođenja, s obzirom na to da Univerzitet u Peruđi, uprkos vrlo kvalifikovanoj i priznatoj obrazovnoj ponudi na međunarodnom nivou, nema arhitektonski fakultet. Dakle, uspeh i rezultat događaja imaju drugačiji prizvuk, poseban, proistekao iz velikog interesovanja profesionalnog kruga iz Umbrije, regiona centralne Italije, koji je blizu čuvenim gradovima poput Firence i Rima i njihovim kulturnim uticajima, školama, teoretskim razmišljanjima, događajima itd.

U Peruđi, iako malom kontekstu, ne nedostaju priznati talenti i projektovanje je, šta više, vrlo intenzivno i često vezano za druge spoljne kontekste. To je posledica duge tradicije koja pokazuje ne samo istorijski već i savremeni karakter ovog grada, čiju sposobnost dijaloga i sučeljavanja sa drugima, najbolje oslikavaju realizovani projekti.
Architects Party je dakle prestižna prilika da se prikaže sopstvena stručnost, razmene kontakti, kroz neuobičajen sastanak koji otvara vrata kreativnih studija, arhitektonskog i urbanističkog projektovanja, kako arhitekata u usponu tako i već priznatih i poznatih umbrijskih arhitekata.

U intervjuu Dijega Barbatelija (Diego Barbarelli) sa Klaudijom Đelosa (Claudia Gelosa) za, Klaudija objašnjava kako se rodila inicijativa za ArchitectsParty. Đanluka Lupi (Gianluca Lupi) iz Towant Contemporary Eventsa, tokom prošle godine po prvi put organizuje obilazak, da bi firentinske studije arhitekture približio javnosti. Posle uspeha prve edicije, brojnih učesnika i velikog entuzijazma, Towant se ujedinjuje sa re.publique Comunicazione d’Architettura i 2009. godine se širi i na Milano. Organizatori događaja potvrđuju da „je uspeh došao zahvaljujući činjenici da je ovo prilika, neformalna i opuštajuća, koja transformiše radno mesto u mesto večernjih susreta sa ljudima iz struke i ljubiteljima dizajna i arhitekture. Na ovaj način se stvaraju novi scenariji, alternativni i drugačiji u odnosu na uobičajenu rutinu, novo mesto susreta i razmene.“

Kreatori ArchitectsParty-a, pomenuti re.publique Comunicazione d’Architettura, sa sedištem u Firenci, nude mogućnost konsultantskih usluga u oblasti strategijskog marketinga, promocije, štampanih publikacija… ”Naša aktivnost se rodila iz znanja i iskustava sazrelih u oblasti proučavanja i upravljanja projektima i strategijama komunikacije prema potrebi. Bavimo se čak i organizacijom događaja, izložbenim postavkama, projektima ciljanog marketinga. Na kraju, proizvodimo i video sadržaje, intervjue i arhitektonska izdanja.“

Towant se međutim posvetio organizovanju savremenih događaja, marketinškoj aktivnosti i odnosima sa javnošću za firme iz sveta italijanskog dizajna i za arhitektonske studije. Njihov cilj je da razviju i konsoliduju odnose i kontakte između kompanija koje se bave dizajnom i arhitektonskih studija, kroz različite događaje, strategije za odnose sa javnošću, marketing odnose, promišljene i personalizovane. Towant naročito cilja na stvaranje sinergije između preduzeća koja se bave dizajnom.

Prirodno, već postoji format, kojim se režira veče, ali generalno svakom studiju se dopada da personalizuje događaj sa “ad hoc“ aranžmanom ili načinom kako izlažu i prezentuju svoje projekte i filozofiju stvaranja. Time je dobijena i jedinstvena prilika da se sagleda različitost između studija i njihov način komunikacije sa publikom.

Grad je odgovorio i izvan kruga arhitekata. Veliki deo učesnika bile su osobe koje je tamo dovela opčinjenost dizajnom i arhitekturom. Pored svega, stoji činjenica da je događaj poput ovoga novina, gde nije bilo takmičenja, kao što se događa u bogatijim i stimulativnijim kontekstima, poput Milana i Firence. Peruđa je prikazala biroe vrlo aktivne na teritoriji ali i izvan nje, i svako je na svoj način izneo u javnost svoj opus.

Razvojni putevi uključenih studija, koji su se prikazali ovom prilikom, ukazuju na različita iskustva. Neki od njih tu imaju samo predstavništvo, i kako će se videti, uspevaju da projektuju na potpuno drugim krajevima sveta.

Večernji program je započeo u Folinju (Foligno), drugom po veličini gradu Umbrije, otvaranjem studija Cannavicci Gian Marco, Studio Sbicca Walter, Studio Pascucci & Cucciarelli. Sledeće tri večere organizovane su u Peruđi i okolini: Mapa ArchitettiAssociati, Studio Zucchetti, SIGNORINIASSOCIATI, METEX Design Group, Archiplan progetti, Progetti Perugia, zatvarajući sa Micchi Minuti architetti. Ovom prilikom arhitekti su izmenili sopstvene prostorije, transformisali studije različitim postavkama, izložbama i prezentacijama ili su jednostavno samo otvorili vrata svojih ekskluzivnih lokacija, svako u svom stilu. Biroi, smešteni u prostore naočitog šarma, prilagodljivih različitim prilikama poput ove, za druženje i razmenu ideja i iskustava, potvrđuju senzibilitet arhitekata u odnosu na prostor. Ekskluzivni događaj po pozivu, obojen je u crveno zahvaljujući sponzorstvu Kamparija (Campari), koji je ponudio gostima stotine Kamparisoda, aperitiva u čuvenoj ambalaži koju je dizajnirao Fortunato Depero. Pored Kamparisoda, ArchitectsParty je ispratio i Lorenz, koji je aperitiv upotpunio svojim ukusnim appetizerima.

Studije, pored toga što su među najprestižnijim u gradu, odlikuju izuzetni radni prostori i poseban duh saradnika koji su pozdravili inicijativu, sarađujući u organizaciji događaja drugačijeg profila. Uključivanje vodećih kompanija iz sveta građevine i dizajna stvorio je od događaja priliku za susrete, razmene ideja, ponude između projektanata i sveta proizvodnje, i istovremeno za istraživanje sa ciljem da se razviju novi uvidi, inovativne projektantske metode i nova rešenja.

Večeri su bile izuzetna prilika da se međusobno povežu studiji, često konkurentni, pa i indiferentni prema aktivnostima drugih koje su možda paralelne ili se razmimoilaze.

Posebno ćemo istaći pojedine studije učesnike. Studio Pascucci & Cucciarelli počinje sa radom 2006. godine. Čini ga dinamično i veoma mlado osoblje koje radi na arhitektonskom projektovanju i dizajnu, rekonstrukciji, novim realizacijama, enterijerima, baveći se na poseban način detaljima. Uspevaju da realizuju po meri svaki element projekta koristeći specijalizovane strukture, od nameštaja do osvetljenja, kroz korišćenje boja, svetla i različitih materijala sa ciljem da se ostvare prijatni i dopadljivi ambijenti. Aktivnost im se bazira na regiju Umbrije, gde su trenutna gradilišta wellness centri i smeštajni prostori, i uvek vode računa o vizuelnom efektu i opremi prostora.

Njihov studio je realizovao restorane za čuveni lanac Le Cirque u Asiziju, Viterbu i Peruđi. Sarađuju sa Univerzitetom za strance u Peruđi i GUS-om (lanac restorana) za koje rekonstruišu kompleks koji će biti škola internacionalne kuhinje, škola za barmene, restoran i noćni lokal sa koncertnim prostorom. Za Nails studio Italia iz Peruđe rade total dizajn, brinući se o svakom detalju njihovih centara širom Italije i u inostranstvu. Trenutno rade na novom tržnom centru opštine Fano, FUN, kancelarije za Paggi Adelmo srl di Trevi, objekte stanovanja itd.

Tokom aperitiva, Alesandro Kucijareli (Alessandro Cucciarelli) definiše njihov pristup: „…mi smo u stalnom razvoju koji nastoji da dostigne i probudi nove emocije, pre svega u nama samima, kroz detalje koji su ključni element svakog posla, bilo da je reč o lampi ili projektu fasade jedne zgrade.“ Njihov studio je lociran u staroj zgradi, zanimljivom primeru obnove istorijskog jezgra Folinja, koji reflektuje filozofiju i projektantski pravac ovih mladih arhitekata, potvrđujući dijalog između prošlosti i budućnosti u arhitekturi.

Mapa ArchitettiAssociati je specijalizovan studio za arhitektonsko projektovanje i koordiniranje integrisanog projekta arhitektonskih objekata, enterijera i dizajniranih proizvoda. Rade pre svega u internacionalnom kontekstu sa Rusijom, Turskom i zemljama Istoka. Njihov portfolio projekata nudi različita rešenja prestižnih hotela i resort centara poput hotela Corinthia Royal u Gubiju, Juanna Srl u Budimpešti, hotela Gran Hyatt u Dubaiju (Arab Emirates), enterijer za Hyatt Nile City Hotel Tower u Kairu, enterijeri butika za prestižna imena italijanske mode poput Max Mara, Fabi i Baldinini i pojedine rezidencijalne objekte. Njihovi radovi su publikovani i izlagani na značajnim kolektivnim izložbama u Italiji i inostranstvu. Partneri predaju dizajn enterijera i industrijski dizajn na IID (Institut italijanskog dizajna).

SIGNORINIASSOCIATI predstavljaju arhitektonsku tradiciju grada Peruđe, referentnu tačku, gde je Bruno Sinjorini (Bruno Signorini) najvažniji predstavnik. Posle diplomiranja u Firenci na prestižnom arhitektonskom fakultetu, počinje briljantnu profesionalnu karijeru u rodnom gradu, u studiju u Peruđi. Šef je katedre za arhitekturu i scenografiju i godinama je zaneseno posvećen predavanju na Akademiji lepih umetnosti Pietro Vannucci. Radi, pre svega, u oblasti dizajna i urbanizma. Učestvuje sa uspehom na nacionalnim i međunarodnim konkursima osvajajući vredne nagrade i priznanja. Godinama se bavi estetskim eksperimentisanjem u slikarstvu, paralelno sa svojom profesijom, održavajući izlozbe u Njujorku, Tokiju i u brojnim italijanskim gradovima. Izdvaja ga eklekticizam i vrlo je prisutan na mapi izvedenih objekata rodnog grada. Svoj talenat konkretizuje osnivanjem udruženog studija sa svoje troje dece Đovanom, Filipom i Frančeskom. Realizovali su brojne projekte na teritoriji Umbrije posle zemljotresa 1997. godine. Izdvajamo Auditorium Tempio di San Francesco al Prato u Peruđi, prostor namenjen muzici, revitalizacija dragocenog gotičkog spomenika, televizijske studije Tef Channel, Osnovnu školu Colombella u Peruđi, Veterinarsku bolnicu u okviru Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Peruđi, proširenje gradskog groblja iz 19 veka u Todiju, restoran u Aspenu (SAD), uređenja javnih prostora, trgova i ulica u Peruđi i Todiju, industrijske objekte, objekte stanovanja, poslovne objekte i tako dalje. Trenutno realizuju Parohijski centar – Olmo u Peruđi, Antognolla Golf & Spa Resort, rezidencije za starije – Panikalo u Peruđi, hotel, wellness centar i kongresni centar – Rossano Calabro itd. I dalje sa uspehom učestvuju na nacionalnim i međunarodnim konkursima osvajajući nagrade i priznanja.

METEX Design Group nastaje 1972. godine u Istanbulu, zatim se 1980. sediste seli u Rim, a 1994. konačno u Asisi (Asissi) u okolini Peruđe. Studio ima jake odnose i veze sa inostranstvom i vrlo dinamičan personal. Koordinatori grupe su Kavit Sarijaglu i Sinan Kafadar, školovani u Turskoj. Njihov curriculum nudi raznoliku panoramu objekata i projekata stanovanja, poslovnih i komercijalnih prostora, i sa filosofijom „design that works“ izdvajaju se zbog svog globalnog pristupa arhitekturi.

Autori su enterijera brojnih hotela i resort centara, poput hotela Titanic City u Taksimu, Sofa hotela u Istanbulu, zatim objekata kulture poput Bogazici University Natuk Birkan Science Faculty i kampusa za Koc University u Istanbulu. Trenutno rade, pored privatnih rezidencija i različitih kancelarija, hotel Burgasse u Beču, Arts Hotel, Zihron Yaakov, hotel Waldorf Astoria Palace u Jerusalimu i Xanadu Island, u Bodrumu.

Događaj ArchitectsParty bi mogao da bude sastanak radi obnove, input ka ideji kulturne radionice, koji bi mogao da kreira stvarno kruženje kulturnih događaja i ažuriranja u arhitekturi.

Aperitivo je italijanski običaj da se pre večere konzumiraju appetizers uz bezalkoholne koktele ili koktele sa manjom količinom alkohola. Šire značenje podrazumeva i sam koktel koji se uzima pre jela. Danas je raširen običaj, naročito među mladima, da se posle posla izlazi na aperitivo, što bi značilo piće, najčešće vino ili koktel, neznatno više cene, uz besplatnu večeru.

The original event which opens the architectural studies with a program An aperitif- business parties by invitation, arrived in Perugia with great success and many participants. After Milan and Florence, this is the third largest city in Italy. Unlike the first two, it is interesting to emphasize that in this city architects are returnees, educated outside the home town, because  the University of Perugia, in spite of  very qualified and recognized educational offering at the international level, does not have Faculty of Architecture.

Therefore, the success and result of the events have a different tone, specific, resulting in a large circle of professional interest from Umbria, the region of central Italy, which is close to famous cities like Florence and Rome and its cultural influences, schools, theoretical considerations, events, etc..
Perugia, although a small context, does not have the lack of talents and design is very intensive and often linked to other external contexts. This is a consequence of a long tradition of showing not only the historical but also contemporary character of this city, whose ability to dialogue and confront with others, reflect the best implemented projects.
ArchitectsParty is therefore a prestigious opportunity to present its own expertise, exchange contacts, through an unusual meeting that opens the door to creative studies, architectural and urban design, rising architects or of the  already recognized and known architects.

In an interview Diego Barbarella Gelosa with Claudia Gelosa for, Claudia explains how the initiative was born for ArchitectsParty. Gianluca Lupi from Towant Contemporary Events, last year for the first time organized a tour to make  the Florentine architecture closer to the public. After the success of the first edition, numerous participants and great enthusiasm, Towant are united with re.publique Comunicazione d’Architettura and in 2009 it spreads to Milan.

Organizers of event confirm that “the success came thanks to the fact that this is an opportunity, informal and relaxing, which transformed the workplace in place of meetings with people from the profession and lovers of design and architecture. In this manner,  new scenarios are being created, and different alternative to the usual routine, a new place of meeting and exchange. “

Curators of ArchitectsParty, such as re.publique Comunicazione d’Architettura, based in Florence, offer consulting services in strategic marketing, promotions, print publications … “Our action is born from the knowledge and experience in the field of study and project management and communication strategies are needed. We are even organizing events, exhibitions settings, projects targeted marketing. In the end we produce videos, interviews and architectural items.”  TOWANT, however, the organization dedicated to contemporary events, marketing activities and public relations for companies in the world of Italian design and architectural studies. Their goal is to develop and consolidate relations and contacts between the companies engaged in design and architectural studies, through various events, strategies for public relations, marketing relationships, thoughtful and personalized. Towant is particulary aiming  to create synergies between the companies involved in design.

Naturally, there is already a format, which is conducted by the director of the evening, but generally every study likes to personalize the event with “ad hoc” arrangements or installations which exhibit and present their projects and philosophy of creation. This was obtained as a unique opportunity to analyze the diversity between the studies and their way of communication with the audience.
The city responded outside the circle of architects. A large part of the participants were people that are led by fascination with design and architecture. In all, it is a fact that an event like this is a new thing, where there was competition, as happens in richer and stimulating contexts such as Milan and Florence.

Perugia is, as the study showed, very active in the territory and outside it, and everyone presents ,on its own way, opus to the public.
The paths of development involved studies, which display on this occasion, indicate a different experience. Some of them have only the representation, and as we will see, manage to complete the projects in other parts of the world.

The evening program began in Foligno, the second largest city of Umbria, opening studios Cannavicci Gian Marco, Studio Sbicca Walter, Pascucci Studio & Cucciarelli.
The following three dinners were organized in Perugia and its surroundings: Map ArchitettiAssociati Studio Zucchetti, SIGNORINIASSOCIATI, METEX Design Group, Archiplan, PROGETTI,Progetti    Perugia,    closing with Micchi Architetto minute.

On this occasion the architects have changed their own premises, transformed the studies with different settings, exhibitions and presentations or simply open the doors of theirs exclusive location, each in their own style. Studios, located in areas of special charm, adaptable to different occasions like this, for socializing and exchanging ideas and experiences, confirm the sensitivity of architects in relation to space. The exclusive event by invitation, colored in red thanks to the sponsorship of Campari, which offered hundreds of guests, Camparisoda, aperitif in the famous package designed by Fortunato Depero. In Camparisoda, ArchitectsParty was escorted by Lorenz, who completed his Aperitivo delicious Appetizer.
Studies, besides being among the most prestigious in the city, are characterized by exceptional work spaces and  special spirit of associates who have welcomed the initiative, cooperating in events which have different profiles. Including the leading companies in the world of construction and design, created from this event the opportunity to meet, exchange ideas and offers between designers and the world production, and also for research with the aim to develop new insights, innovative design methods and new solutions.
Evenings were opportunity to connect each study, often competitive, or indifferent to activities of others which may be parallel.

In particular we will highlight some of the study participants. Studio Pascucci & Cucciarelli starts working 2006th year. Very young and dynamic staff that is working on the architectural design and the design, reconstruction, new realizations, interior, dealing with details in a special way. They are able to realize in detail each element of the project using a specialized structure, from furniture to lighting, through the use of color, light and different materials in order to achieve a pleasant and appealing environment. Activity is based on their region of Umbria, where the current sites are wellness centers and residential areas,  and  they always take care of visual effects and equipment of the space. Their studio  realized  the restaurants for the famous chain  Le Cirque in Asizi, Viterbo and Perugia. Cooperate with the University for Foreigners of Perugia and Gus (restaurant chain) to reconstruct the complex, which will be international cuisine schools, schools for bartenders, restaurant and night club with concert space. For Nails Studio Italia in Perugia total design work, worrying about every detail of their centers throughout Italy and abroad. Currently working on a new shopping center municipality Fano, Fun, Office of Paggi Adelmo srl di Trevi, housing facilities, etc..
During the aperitif, Alessandro Cucciarelli defines their approach: “… we are in constant development, which seeks to reach and awaken the new emotions, especially in ourselves, through the details which are a key element of every job, whether it is  a lamp or a facade of a building project.” Their studio is located in the old building, an interesting example of restoration of the historic core of Folini, which reflects the design philosophy and direction of these young architects, confirming the dialogue between past and future in architecture.

Site Architetto Associati Studio specializes in architectural design and coordination of an integrated project of architectural structures, interiors and designed products. Working primarily in the international context, with Russia, Turkey and the countries of the East. Their portfolio of projects offers different solutions prestigious hotels and resort centers such as the Corinthia Hotel Royal in Gubi, Juanna Srl in Budapest, Hotel Grand Hyatt in Dubai, interior of the Hyatt Hotel Nile City Tower in Cairo, interior design of boutiques, the prestigious Italian fashion names such as Max Mara, Fabio and Baldinini and some residential buildings. Their works have been published and exhibited in significant group exhibitions in Italy and abroad. Partners taught interior design and industrial design at the IID (Institute of Italian design).

SIGNORINIASSOCIATI      the    architectural     tradition of Perugia, a reference point, where the most important representative is Bruno Signorini. After graduation in Florence at the prestigious Faculty of Architecture, a brilliant professional career began in his home town, in a study in Perugia. Head of the Department  of  architecture and set design for years was astonished and dedicated to lecture at the Academy of Fine Arts Pietro Vannucci. Works primarily in the areas of design and urbanism. Participate successfully  in national  and  international  competitions  winning  valuable prizes. For years, deals with aesthetic experimentation in art, along with his profession, while holding the exhibitions in New York, Tokyo and many Italian cities. He is characterized by eclecticism and he is very present on the map of the finished objects in his home town.  His talent concretes with establishment  of  the  joint  study with his three children: Giovanni, Philip and Francesca. Realized   numerous projects in the territory after the earthquake in Umbria 1997th year. Highlights Auditorium Tempio di San Francesco al Prato in Perugia, space for music, the revitalization of precious Gothic monuments, Tef Channel television studies, elementary school Colombella of Perugia, Veterinary Hospital of the Medical Faculty of the University of Perugia, the extension of the city cemetery from the 19th century Todi, restaurant in Aspen (USA), regulation of public spaces, squares and streets of Perugia and Todi, industrial facilities, housing facilities, business facilities etc. Currently realize Parish Center – Olmo in Perugia, Antognolla Golf & Spa Resort, residences for the elderly – Panikalo of Perugia, hotel, wellness center and conference center – Rossana Calabro, etc.. Also, continues to participate successfully in national and international competitions, winning awards and recognitions.

METEX Design Group was created in 1972 in Istanbul, and in the 1980th headquarters moved to Rome, and the 1994th finally in Asissi around Perugia. Studio has strong relations and links with foreign countries and a very dynamic staff. Group coordinators are Kavita Sariaglu and Sinan Kafadar, educated in Turkey.

Their curriculum offers a wide panorama of buildings and housing projects, business and commercial space, and with the philosophy  “design that works,” stand out for their global approach to architecture.
They are  authors of interior of numerous hotels and resort centers, such as Titanic City Hotel in Taksim, Sofa Hotel in Istanbul, and cultural facilities such as Bogazici University Natuk Birkan Science Faculty and the campus of Koc University in Istanbul. Except  private residences, and various offices,they are currently working on the hotel Burgasse in Vienna, Hotel Arts, Zihron Yaakov, the hotel Waldorf Astoria Palace in Jerusalem, and Xanadu Island in Bodrum.
Event ArchitectsParty could be a meeting for reconstruction, input to the idea of cultural workshops, which could create a real circulation of cultural events and updates in architecture.

Aperitivo is Italian custom to have appetizers before dinner with soft drinks or cocktails with a small amount of alcohol. Broader meaning includes a cocktail taken before meals. Today, the widespread custom, especially among young people, is to go out for an Aperitivo after work, which would mean a drink, usually wine or cocktail, slightly higher prices, with free dinner.

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