Javno šetalište u mestu Albisola / Public Promenade in Albisola

Arhitekti: 3S studio
KLIJENT: Albisola Superiore (Savona)
PROJEKTNI TIM: 3S studio Silvia Dagna Serena Galassi Simona Maurone associated architects & voarino cairo, associated & CAIRE cooperative architects and engineers, L. Villa
LOKACIJA : Albisola Superiore (SV), Italija
HIDRAULIČNI ODNOSI: Studio dot , Ing. A. Da Corte
FOTOGRAFIJE : Daniele Voarino
IZVOĐAČ: Betonbit

Rehabilitacija nefunkcionalne pruge putem ekološki prihvatljivih sredstava transformisala je ovu zonu u šetalište koje se obazire na uslove okruženja.

Ovaj projekat je bio usresređen na bezbednost radova u tunelu, naročito na hidrauliku. On obuhvata celu deonicu pruge, koja se više ne koristi, i njena čvorišta između mesta Albissola i Celle Ligure (SV), pretvarajući je u šetalište koje je izrazito ekološko. Projekat se fokusira na prirodne puteve, vizure i novu pešačku stazu uređenu od nerđajućeg čelika i drveta. Restauracijom tunela oformljen je prostor – kontejner za izložbe vizionarske umetnosti i umetničke instalacije.

CLIENT: Albisola Superiore (Savona)
PROJECT TEAM: 3S studio Silvia Dagna Serena Galassi Simona Maurone associated architects & voarino cairo, associated & CAIRE cooperative architects and engineers, L. Villa
LOCATION: Albisola Superiore (SV), Italy
HYDRAULIC RELATIONS: Studio dot , Ing. A. Da Corte
PHOTOGRAPHS: Daniele Voarino
BUILDER: Betonbit
DELIVERY: July 2011

Rehabilitating an inoperative railway through environmentally aware means, thereby transforming this area into a promenade that adheres to its area’s environmental constraints.

This project would focus on the safety of the tunnel works on the reef slope, including hydraulics. The project encompasses the entire stretch of the retired railroad and its fixtures between Albissola and Celle Ligure (SV), transforming it into an environmentally accentuated pedestrian promenade. The project focalizes the nature paths, view points, a new overhang walkway made by corten steel and wood. The restoration of the railway tunnel will function as a “container” for visionary art exhibitions and artistic installations.


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