Viskozna povezanost-Novi foaje i adaptacija zgrade građevinske Akademije Viscous Affiliation / New Foyer and Adaption of the Building Academy

Lokacija: Salcburg/Austrija
Realizacija: 2010.-2012.
Klijent: Privredna komora Austrije
Korisnik: Građevinska akademija u Salcburgu
Površina: 2200m2
Arhitekti: SOMA
Martin Oberascher, Stefan Rutzinger, Kristina Schinegger, Günther Weber
Projektni tim: Alex Matl, Jeanin Wörndl, Nadine Rössler, Giuseppe Molteni
Konstrukcija: Brandstätter ZT GmbH, Salcburg

Projekat studija soma obuhvata plan novog foajea i pristupne zone građevinske akademije i odnosi se na adaptaciju postojeće fabričke hale u prostor za kulturne događaje. Nakon ove adaptacije, foaje postaje multifunkcionalan prostor koji se može koristiti kao lobi škole i kao javan prostor za razne kulturne manifestacije koje se odigravaju u susednim salama, kao što su prezentacije, filmske projekcije, koncerti ili probe.

Nova krovna konstrukcija formira konzistentan i gladak prelaz između spoljašnjosti i unutrašnjosti zgrade. Ona povezuje različite funkcionalne zone u jedan tekući prostor i stvara otvorenu i evocirajuću atmosferu. Konstruktivne karakteristike, osvetljenje i funkcionalno zoniranje, kao i intuitivan jasan navigacioni sistem, sudeluju u okviru jedne kontinualne strukture. Usvajanje krovne geometrije koja nije ramovska već se pruža slobodno, može se tumačiti kao kontingentna povezanost postojećih prostornih karakteristika.

Trodimenzionalna struktura osmišljena je putem simulacije tokova čestica tečnosti. Materije tečnog stanja imaju tri osnovna svojstva: viskozitet, gustinu i površinski napon. Interakcije između ova tri fizička svojstva su kompjuterski testirane niz puta da bi se generisao patern sa velikom količinom šupljina i visokim nivoom koherencije.

Izvođenje ove kompleksne strukture u sirovom betonu predstavljalo je izazov i oplata je testirana i optimizirana na modelu u razmeri 1:1. Fina površina betonske strukture postignuta je primenom različitih tehnika i omogućava suptilnu igru svetlosti i senke. Napredna geometrija krova i inovativni vid konstrukcije krova odražavaju nadležnost i obrazovnu ulogu Građevinske akademije u oblasti primene betona.

Location: Salzburg/Austria
Construction: 2010 – 2012
Client: Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
User: Building Academy Salzburg
Architect: SOMA
Martin Oberascher, Stefan Rutzinger, Kristina Schinegger, Günther Weber
Project team: Alex Matl, Jeanin Wörndl, Nadine Rössler, Giuseppe Molteni
Structural engineering: Brandstätter ZT GmbH, Salzburg

Soma’s design creates a new foyer and entrance topography to the Building Academy, and adapts an existing factory hall into a cultural venue. After the conversion, the foyer will serve multiple purposes – as a lobby for the school and as a public space for various cultural events in the adjacent halls, such as presentations, movie screenings, concerts or rehearsals.

The roof structure creates a consistent and smooth transition between the exterior and the interior of the building. It connects the different functional areas in one fluid space and creates an open and evocative atmosphere. Structural performance, lighting and functional zoning, as well as the creation of an intuitively understandable guidance system correlate in one continuous structure. The widening of the roof geometry from a framed into a freely spreading geometry can be read as a contingent affiliation of the existing spatial characteristics.

The three-dimensional pattern was generated in a simulation of fluids based on particle flows. Liquids have three essential parameters: viscosity, density and surface tension. The interactions between these three physical properties have been tested on the computer in a series of variations to generate a pattern with a big amount of holes and a high level of coherence.

Realizing this complex structure in exposed concrete posed major challenges in the area of formwork construction, which was tested and optimized in 1:1 mock ups. The finely triangulated surface of the concrete structure allows a subtle play of light and shadow and was achieved by testing different milling techniques. The advanced geometry of the roof and its innovative construction process reflect the competencies and teaching focus of the Building Academy in the field of concrete application.

Prethodni članakDa li postoji dvostruko zadovoljstvo? / Is there a dual pleasure?
Sledeći članakTetorigarden

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