Podzemni centar slobodnog vremena i javni trg
Autori: Mi5 Arquitectos and PKMN Architectures
Klijent: Urban Teruel. Gradsko veće grada Teruel.
Lokacija: Trg Plaza Domingo Gascón, Teruel, Španija
Izgradnja završena: 2012.
Površina : 5000 m2
Fotografije: Miguel de Guzmán , Javier de Paz
1987. godine grupa istraživača među kojima su bili Sanz, Buscalioni, Casanovas i Santafé u provinciji Teruel pronašli su i obradili ostatke dinosaura vrste „Aragosaurus ischiaticus“. To je bio prvi dinosaurus pronađen na Iberijskom poluostrvu.
Podzemlje grada Teruel, pretvoreno u turističku atrakciju sa tematskim parkovima kao što je Dinópolis, je puno otkrića koja nas podsećaju na nekadašnje postojanje moćnog života na teritoriji provincije. Zato ne čudi ideja da moramo da se vratimo u njegovu dubinu i da pokušamo da ga reaktiviramo.
Razmatranjem postojeće zastarele i nedovoljno korišćene zgrade tržnice koja zauzima veći deo skromnog javnog prostora skoro nepostojećeg trga Domingo Gascon Square (čak i sa spomen statuom), doneta je odluka da se sruši ova struktura (veoma nefleksibilna i ekskluzivna tipologija) i da se uvede veliki volumen za omladinsku rekreaciju u podzemlju, kako bi se revitalizovala i očuvala aktivnost grada Teurel, i povratio stari javni skver koji je postojao pre nego što je izgrađena tržnica. Projekat javnog prostora i centra slobodnog vremena dobija izraz zakopane Godzile (fiktivno japansko čudovište koje predstavlja mutanta dinosaurusa) – telurni element savremenog i pop izraza.
Ovaj veliki zakopan volumen pomera površinu zemlje i cepa je kako bi nastala nova urbana topografija. Strategije ugradnje i kamuflaže (koje čudovište koristi kada pokušava da sakrije svoju veličinu u odnosu na okruženje) omogućuju formiranje velikog javnog prostora (unutrašnjeg i spoljašnjeg) bez narušavanja postojećeg urbanog tkiva starog centra grada. Ovom intervencijom posetiocima je omogućeno da prate ovu površinu pretvorenu u javni trg i da se kreću ka dole između slojeva gde ih očekuju mesta okupljanja, zabave i sporta.
Ove nove aktivnosti i njihov savremen izraz, dokazuju postojanje novih metoda dijaloga sa istorijskim segmentima grada, naročito u gradu kao što je Teruel gde istorija ima važnu ulogu. Otkriće ovih novih mogućnosti izražavanja i njihova smela primena predstavljaju potencijalne podsticaje za očuvanje ovog nasleđa.
Ovakva eksperimentalna tipologija je istraga koja pomera granice strukturnih i tehničkih regulacija kako bi se izučili arhitektonski prototipovi koji bi mogli generisati neke nove načine za ostvarenje određene gustine, i koji bi mogli postaviti scenario unapređenja i optimizma javnosti zarad jačanja duha naroda, revitalizacije istorijskog urbanog tkiva i inteziviranja gradskog života.
Underground Leisure Lair and Public Space
Autorship: Mi5 Arquitectos and PKMN Architectures
Client: Urban Teruel. Teruel City Council.
Location: Plaza Domingo Gascón, Teruel, Spain
Final Construction: 2012
Built Area: 5000 m2
Photography: Miguel de Guzmán , Javier de Paz
In 1987 the remains of „Aragosaurus ischiaticus“ were dug up and catalogued by a group of researchers consisting of Sanz, Buscalioni, Casanovas and Santafé at the town of Galve, in the province of Teruel. It was the first dinosaur to be found at the Iberian Peninsula. Teruel’s underground, turned into a tourist appeal by thematic parks such as Dinópolis, is full of discoveries that remind us the lost existence of a powerful life in the origins of the province. It’s not surprising then that we have to return to its deepness to try to reactivate it.
Facing the existence of an obsolete and underused market building occupying most of the meagre public space of the nearly nonexistent Domingo Gascon Square (even if provided with a commemorative statue), the decision taken is that of demolishing this old structure (a very inflexible and exclusive typology) and introducing a huge volume of youth leisure activities on the underground, to revitalize and to foster Teruel’s activity, while the old public square existing before the market building was constructed is regained. The public space and leisure centre project takes the expression of a buried Godzilla (fictitious Japanese monster appearing as a mutant dinosaur): a telluric element of contemporary and pop expression.
This big buried volume pushes away the earth’s surface cracking it to produce a new urban topography. Embedding and camouflage strategies (already in use by the monster when trying to hide its bigness concerning the reality surrounding it) allow the creation of a large public facility (interior and exterior) without disrupting existing urban fabric on the old city center. Visitors will, by means of this operation, take up this surface turned into a public square, and they will go moving down in between the stratums, being entertained by meeting activities, fun and sports.
These new activities and their contemporary expression, prove new ways of dialogue with historical city areas, especially in a city as Teruel where history has taken up such an important place. It is the discovery of these new possibilities of expression and in a daring appropriation of them, where potential opportunities for the surviving of these patrimony are lying.
This experimental typology is an investigation that pushes the boundaries of structural means and technical regulations to explore architectural prototypes that may be able to generate some new ways in achieving densification, setting an scenario of public enhancement and optimism in order to accomplish citizenship empowering, historical urban fabric revitalization and intensification of city life.