Arhitekta: Alonso de Garay Architects
Lokacija: Mexico City, Meksiko
Klijent: Tierra Capital S.A de C.V
Glavni izvođač : Rodolfo Ortega ORAR
Pejzažno uređenje: Jeronimo Gabayet
Projekat: 2010.
Fotografije: Jimena Carranza
Snažna teritorijalna ekspanzija grada Mexico City koja se odigrala u poslednjih nekoliko decenija dovela je do propadanja mnogih naselja, koja imaju dugu istoriju i tradiciju kao što su Condesa, Roma, Juarez i druga. Posedi koj su tokom prošlog veka bili u vlasništvu meksikanskih porodica više klase, danas predstavljaju ostatke tkiva koji su usled lošeg održavanja i starosti poprilično oštećeni. U poslednjih nekoliko godina ovo narušeno tkivo iskoristili su meksički arhitekti kako bi započeli proces reciklaže kvartova koristeći stare objekte da bi stvorili moderna arhitektonska dela, što je ova područja učinilo ponovo najskuplim i najpoželjnijim delovima glavnog grada.
Projekat studia Alonso de Garay Architects čini objekat od 6 spratova sa 26 apartmana površine od 56m2 do 110m2. Cilj je bio da se stvori moderna ali jednostavna arhitektura, nepretenciozna, topla i prirodna. Korišćeni su kontrasti industrijskih i prirodnih elemenata, tekstura hladnih kao čelik i aluminijum i toplih tekstura kao što su kamen i drvo. Vizure su ostvarene projektovanjem pejzaža u vidu zavese, skulpturalnih elemenata koji su nastali reciklažom ostataka-materijala koji su pretvoreni u gnezda za biljke. Dvorišta koja su nekada imala servisne funkcije pretvorena su u bašte sa drvećem i biljkama. Takođe, veliki deo krova je ozelenjen.
Napuštena zgrada transformisana je u prostor sa funkcijom stanovanja ali takođe u svojevrsni muzej biljaka, prostor za prezervaciju vrsta koji koristi reciklirane materijale koji inače zagađuju zemlju.
Architects: Alonso de Garay Architects
Location: Mexico City, Mexico
Client: Tierra Capital S.A de C.V
General contractor: Rodolfo Ortega ORAR
Landscaping: Jeronimo Gabayet
Project year: 2010
Photographs: Jimena Carranza
The strong territorial expansion of Mexico City in recent decades led to the carelessness and decay of many of the neighborhoods with most history and tradition as Condesa, Roma, Juarez and others. Properties that during the last century belonged to families of the Mexican high society today are not only but old fogies and debris damaged by the accumulation of years without maintenance. In recent years, this deterioration was used by Mexican architects to begin recycling the neighborhoods, using old buildings and turning them into pieces of modern architecture which led to these areas again to be the most expensive and desired of the Country’s Capital.
The project has 26 apartments on 6 levels, ranging from 56m2 to 110m2. The architecture aims to be modern but simple, unpretentious, warm and very natural. We sought contrasts between industrial and natural elements, textures cold as steel and aluminum with warm textures such as stone and wood. The views were not very good so we wanted a landscape design to serve as a curtain, sculptural elements on the idea of recycling scrap pieces heavily polluting materials turned into nests of plants. The courtyards that were once only for the service, are now living gardens with trees and plants, likewise, much of the roof became green areas.
The idea was the rebirth of a dead building in the XXI century and used as a space not only for what it was created, housing, but also as a museum of plants, a space for the preservation of species a home for the waste that pollute our country and an example to follow recycling our city.