Arhitekti: PLOT = BIG + JDS
Lokacija: Kopenhagen , Danska
Klijent : Kvaterloft Copenhagen, Loa Fund
Saradnici : JDS Architects & BREZA KROGBOE
Površina : 2.000 m2
Projekat: 2004.
Fotografije : Julien de Smedt, Mads Hilmer, Esben Bruun, Paolo Rosselli
Koncept je proizašao iz tehničkog problema na lokaciji. Čišćenje zagađenog zemljišta na lokaciji je bilo neophodno, ali su troškovi potrebni za čišćenje procenjeni na jednu četvrtinu ukupnog budžeta projekta. Daljim istraživanjem otkrili smo da je zemljiše, s obzirom da je kontaminirano samo teškim metalima, moguće koristiti kao stabilno tlo za gradnju. Tada smo predložili da se lokacija pokrije drvenom platformom i tako stvori „sigurna“ površina. Na taj način ostvareno je više arhitektonsko i održivo rešenje problema lokacije
Ovaj koncept takođe predstavlja odgovor na dvojan program klijenata. Dva klijenta su definisala sadržaje projekta: jedriličarski klub i centar za mlade. Njihovi prohtevi bili su u suprotnosti: centar za mlade zahtevao je prostore na otvorenom za dečju igru, a jedriličarski klub prostor za parkiranje čamaca. Projekat predstavlja arhitektonsko rešenje našeg usaglašavanja ovih kontradiktornih zahteva: omogućava prostor za čuvanje čamaca ispod i prostor za igru iznad. Putem formiranja niza talasastih rampi unutrašnji sadržaj je raspoređen svuda po lokaciji, formirajući lejere prostora. Platforma za posmatranje definisana je kao unutrašnje dvorište. Krov unutrašnjeg prostora umnožava spoljašnji upotrebljiv prostor. Prisustvo hladnih, tvrdih površina u unutrašnjosti predstavlja kontrast drvenom eksterijeru, ističući dominantanu poziciju spoljašnje aktivnosti koju promovišu centar za mlade i jedriličarski klub
Generalno, projekat nastoji da ostvari harmonično postojanje u okruženju. Upotreba drvene palube kako bi se očuvalo zemljište takođe smanjuje ukupnu potrošnju materijala, i potencijalnu emisiju ugljen-dioksida. Forma objekta naglašava kretanje vodene površine ispred i kretanje pri igri. Specifičan ali prepoznatljiv Primorski centar za mlade ostaje uspešan i razigran gest za lokaciju, klijente i korisnike
Architects: PLOT = BIG + JDS
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
Client: Kvaterloft Copenhagen, Loa Fund
Constructed Area: 2,000 sqm
Project year: 2004
Photographs: Julien de Smedt, Mads Hilmer, Esben Bruun, Paolo Rosselli
The concept emerged from a technical problem inherent in the site. Cleaning the polluted soil on the site was seen as a necessity, but would cost one quarter of the overall project budget to complete. Through futher investigations, we discovered that since the soil was contaminated with only heavy metals, it allowed for stable ground on which to build. We then proposed to cover the entire site with a wooden deck, thereby creating a “safe” surface. Thus, a more architectural and sustainable solution to the site’s problem was achieved rather than the excavation of the entire site.
This concept also allowed for an advantageous solution to the multi-client program. Two clients share the facilities: a sailing club and a youth house. Their desires were opposite: the youth house wanted outdoor space for children to play, while the sailing club needed space to park their boats. The project is the architectural result of our negotiations between these two contradictory demands: it allows for boat storage underneath and playground above. Through a series of rolling, wave-like ramps, the interior program is spread across the site creating layers of space. An observation deck becomes an interior court. The roof of the interior spaces doubles as walkable, playable, usable space on the exterior. The presence of cool, hard surfaces on the interior of the facility is meant as a contrast to the wooden exterior, helping to further reinforce the dominant attitude of outdoor activity promoted by the youth house and sailing club.
Overall the project attempts to achieve a harmonious presence with the surrounding context. The use of the deck to preserve the soil also reduced the overall use of materials on the project, thereby lessening it’s potential carbon footprint. The form of the project invokes the motion of the adjacent waterfront and the motion of play. Distinctive yet familiar, the Maritime Youth House remains a successful and playful gesture to its site, clients and users.