Fakultet u Nišu / Faculty of Niš

Za našu redakciju prikaz uspelih studentskih radova ima veoma veliki značaj. Taj značaj se uvećava ako se napomene da ovi projekti koji su pred vama nisu nastali na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Beogradu, već na fakultetu u Nišu.  Kvalitet ova dva projekta koja prikazujemo ohrabruje, i uverava nas da arhitektura u celoj Srbiji konačno počinje da se shvata ozbiljno i u svojim karakteristikama sadrži elemente primerene savremenoj arhitekturi.

Prvi projekat se nalazi na poručju uz budući kej na desnoj obali Nišave. Veoma frekfrentne ulice tangiraju lokaciju, pa je iz tog razloga zaštićena od buke i zagađenja masivnom barijerom u vidu stambeno – poslovne zgrade spratnosti P+7. Ideja za izgled ovog objekta proistekla je iz silueta planina sa severa Niša koje se prepoznaju u pozadinskoj panorami područja. Zbog atraktivnih vizura ka reci i budućem sportskom kompleksu i povoljne južne orjentacije, unutar područja se stambenim objektima smanjuje spratnost od severa ka jugu. Koncept izgleda ovih objekata zasnovan je na savremenim tendencijama života i težnjom za jednoporodičnim stanovanjem u višespratnim zgradama – „living box“. Zbog bolje povezanosti sa prirodnim okruženjem reke i njene zelene obale i uticajem na sve veća zagađenja u gradovima, područje obiluje zelenim površinama. Pored uobičajnih parkovskih i dvorišnih zelenih površina svaki od objekata sadrži zelene terase i krovove. Radi održanja kontinuiteta pešačkog kretanja sa druge strane Nišave kao produžetak pravca pešačkog mosta područje je presečeno parkovskom površinom. Park predstavljaju četri zatalasane pešačke staze koje simbolišu talase obližnje vode reke Nišave.

The review of the students’ successful works is very significant for our editorial board. Importance increases if we stress the fact that those designs have not been developed at the Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade but at the Faculty in Nis. The quality of those two designs encourages and convinces us that architecture in Serbia finally becomes more serious and it contains the elements appropriate for contemporary architecture.

The first design is planned for the area alongside future quay on the right river side of Nisava River. Very frequent streets intersect the site so the area is both noise and pollution protected by a massive barrier presented by a residential – commercial building, GF+7. The idea for this facility came from silhouette of the mountains situated on the north of Nis and they are easily recognized in background panorama of the area. Due to attractive views towards the river and future sports complex as well as comfortable southern orientation, residential buildings are given less floors in north to south direction within the area. Concept of those buildings is based on contemporary life tendencies and aspiration for single-family residence in multi-floor buildings – „living box“. Due to better connectivity with natural environment of the river itself and its green shore and influence on high pollution level in the towns, this area still abounds with the greenery. Besides ordinary parks and yards green surfaces, each of the buildings contains green terraces and roofs. The whole area is intercepted by a park for keeping pedestrian walk continuity on the other river side of the Nisava River as an extension of the footbridge. Park is presented by four wavy pedestrian walks thus symbolizing waves of the nearby Nisava River.


Prethodni članakPoslovni objekat Požeška 118 / Office building 118 Požeška street
Sledeći članakOsnovna škola “VELI VRH” / Primary school “VELI VRH”

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