autori: njiric+arhitekti d.o.o. / prof. hrvoje njirić, jerolim mladenov
saradnici: nevena kuzmanić, jelena botteri, ljiljana besednik
Funkcionalni zahtevi kod univerzitetskih objekata se iz godine u godinu menjaju usled promena u načinu korišćenja i načinu na koji se dolazi do informacija. Uz promenu funkcija samih objekata primećuju se i različite tendencije u prilagođavanju urbanističkih činilaca ovom trendu. Kao pravi reprezent ovih promena ističe se objekat biblioteke u Zadru.
Lokalni kontekst protumačen je kao sukob dve matrice – urbane na istoku i suburbane na zapadu. Njihova savremena interpretacija preklopljena je na prostoru kampusa, ostavljajući javni prostor između.
Nova zgrada biblioteke nastaje na razmeđi dve dramatične promene savremenog života : eroziji javnog prostora i eksploziji novih tehnologija. Obe krajnosti uzimaju se kao polazište – biblioteka kao niz ambijenata sa pristupom.
Biblioteka = pijaca = hotel = shopping
Projekat odražava stav autora o autonomnosti arhitekture koja po potrebi udomljuje različite namene.
Mediteranski kampus – za razliku od ortogonalnih američkih šema, mediteranska varijanta je bazirana na gustini i preplitanju: fakultetskih zgrada, studentskih domova, glavnih javnih zgrada, raznolike pejzažne strukture.
Poštovana je zadata dinamika, sa posebnim osvrtom na početnu fazu u kojoj je izgrađena samo biblioteka. Ispitani su i organizovani na urbanističkom nivou. Dosledno se interpretira studija “de Architecten Cie” u pogledu postavke glavnih javnih programa koji ne prate ortogonalni raster fakulteta i studentskih domova, već su slobodno postavljeni u prostoru.
Morfološke prikladnosti – rezidencijalni i nastavni programi rešeni su kao morfološka interpretacija postojećih struktura iz okoline, samostojećih (tačkastih) objekata i zgrada, pa se celokupni program domova i fakulteta smešta u : double-slab sa širokom bazom (P+5) i baby-tower (P+4) – posebno prikladno kao smeštaj za profesore i post-diplomce.
Sitna tačkasta struktura baby-towers pogodna je da se nehijerarhijski rasporedi po cijelom području, što će rezultirati 24/7 prisutnošću života na kampusu.
Koncept je baziran je na temi Mediterana, potrebi zaštite od sunca i kreiranju hlada, a definisan je sa tri konstitutivna elementa :
Površinski – krošnja mediteranskih borova sistematski zasenjuje zone događanja i okupljanja;
Linearno – potezi palmi kao autoriteti smera i veze žarišta interesa;
Tačkasto – živica od lovora kao pozadina pojedinih aktivnosti i lokalna zaštita od vetra.
Mediteranski vrt – osim navedenih elemenata koji čine prostor, predlaže se niz manjih i većih vrtova, koji po formatu i hortikulturnim temama preuzimaju lokalnu inspiraciju privatnih vrtova na istoku, više nego što je merodavan motiv socijalnog („ničijeg“) zelenila oko kolektivnih stambenih zgrada na zapadu. Pojedine parcele sadrže nekoliko objekata koji su podzemnom garažom vezani u jednu administrativnu cjelinu. Podzemne garaže su rešene u skladu s datim smernicama, s pokazanim konstruktivnim sistemom i dokazom kapaciteta i evakuacije.
Nova zgrada biblioteke nastaje između dve dramatične promene savremenog života : eroziji javnog prostora i eksploziji novih tehnologija. Obe krajnosti uzimaju se kao polazište – biblioteka kao niz Ambijenata sa Pristupom.
Projekat odražava stav autora o autonomnosti arhitekture koja po potrebi udomljuje različite namene. „Site convergence“ – termin koji Anthony Vidler koristi da bi naznačio fenomen da pojedina mesta na određen način konvergiraju određenoj nameni u određenom vremenu i okolnostima. To je konceptualna platforma za razumevanje projektantske strategije – kuća sa sledom prikladnih i što različitijih prostora koje je moguće iskoristiti i za biblioteku.
„Ambijenti ispresecani knjigama“ je operativni diskurs koji dozvoljava postepeni prelaz iz analogne prema digitalnoj biblioteci, prelaz iz mesta akumulacije prema mestu sa pristupom. Time je osigurana stvarna tranzicija u programsku strukturu za 21.vek. Bezvremenskim oblikovanjem i snagom volumena nastoji se kući dati nužan dignitet koji takva institucija i treba, ali ujedno se i odmaknuti od korporacijske estetike, obzirom da većina novih obrazovnih zgrada u Hrvatskoj izgleda kao najbanalniji poslovni objekti.
Pročelje – da li kuća ovog tipa u doba elektronike uopšte treba da ima fasadu?
„Kuća u hladu“ – klimatski aspekt bitno utiče na koncept perimetra i organizacije prostora. Introvertna struktura kojom se programi organizuju oko tri unutrašnja dvorišta omogućuje optimalno osvjetljenje enterijera modularnim svetlom i minimalnim perforiranjem spoljašnjeg omotača.
Struktura kuće – sastavni elementi su: obod – gusta struktura ćelija za individualni rad, pomoćnih prostora osoblja i priručnih spremišta, požarnih stubišta i liftova; sistem rampi – glavni otvoreni i poluotvoreni prostori biblioteke; atrijumi – ulazni s refleksnim bazenom, performativni, zeleni (uz manastirske zbirke); toranj – admistracija i stručne službe.
Raznolikost atriuma doprineće raznovrsnim načinima korišćenja u sezonskom i dnevnom rasporedu.
Sistem rampi u kući preuzima blagi nagibi terena kampusa i tako stvara optimalan odnos unutrašnjeg i spoljašnjeg. Otvoreno / zatvoreno – jedna od osnovnih tema biblioteke interpretirana je samom strukturom kuće. Individualne ćelije po obodu osiguravaju samostalni rad ali i dobru, direktnu povezanost s ostalim delovima biblioteke. Veliki središnji otvoreni prostori orijentisani su na atrijume i lokalno podržani sistemom pregrada i polica za knjige, tako da je nesmetani individualni rad moguć i u ovom integralnom prostoru.
Načini kretanja: promenadno po rampama (pogodno i za invalide), prečicom – eskalatori, lokalno, neformalno – po obodu.
Ulazi: glavni – istočno, iz pešačke transverzale (parka) kroz ulazni narteks prema glavnom recepcijskom pultu. Kolski ulaz sa zapada za stranke osoblje i dopremu knjiga. Ulaz za osoblje, vrtić, individualne ćelije i dostavu cafea, bočno s južne strane.
Knjižna spirala je tipološki obrazac najefikasnijeg skladištenja knjiga u otvorenom pristupu, kao što pokazuje primer OMA / Seattle, pa je primenjen i ovde. Aspekt savladavanja nagiba je opisan dijagramima.
Tehnologija – osim RFID sistema, koristile bi se i ostale novine iz bibliotekarstva, poput osiguravanja danonoćne mogućnosti rada u individualnim ćelijama s autonomnim spoljašnjim pristupom i organizacije radnih mesta unutar sklopa s ormarima. Mehanički transport knjiga se ograničava na razvrstavanje građe koja pristigne iz knjigomata i za potrebe interne obrade knjižne građe, dok se distribucija na pojedine odeljenja odvija putem kolica, s obzirom da se na sve nivoe može doći direktnim kretanjem po horizontali ili minimalnom nagibu.
Hibridnost kao zalog savremenosti bazira se na nadomeštanju sadržaja koji se uklanjaju gradnjom biblioteke (dječji vrtić) ali i predlogom nekih novih. Tako se u skrivenom (četrvrtom) atrijumu može igrati košarka, a unutar uvučenog istočnog pročelja penzioneri će predahnuti nakon partije balota.
Konstrukcija – jednostavna AB skeletna konstrukcija s racionalnim rasponima za ploče bez greda radi vođenja instalacija, usklađena s optimumom za podzemnu garažu. Najviši nivo je koncipiran kao integralni prostor, pa je premošten AB bačvastim svodom na velikom rasponu. Ukrućenje celog sistema se postiže krutim obodnim sistemom vertikalnih zidova. Pročelja su koncipirana kao velikoformatni prefabrikovani sendvič paneli koji se izvode na licu mesta, a pigmentirani su u terakota nijansi.
Ekologija – izbegava se svaka pomodnost ili estetska lakomislenost poput npr. lagane čelične high-tech kuće ili staklenika obučenog mrežom ili drvenim letvicama (kao što je danas čest slučaj čak i na mediteranskim lokacijama). Kuća mora biti rudimentarna, teška i inertna. Zaštita od sunca je aspekt koji se rešava minimalnim postotkom ostakljenja, introvertnim konceptom osvetljenja i sistemom provetravanja. Naglašava se mogućnost prirodne ventilacije koja se postiže horizontalnom pozicijom atrijuma, odnosno efektom dimnjaka, kojeg osigurava četvrti atrijum.
authors: njiric+arhitekti d.o.o. / prof. hrvoje njirić, jerolim mladenov
associates: nevena kuzmanić, jelena botteri, ljiljana besednik
Functional requests for university facilities are changing yearly due to changes in ways of usage and gathering information. Besides changes of facilities’ functions, different tendencies are noticed in adjusting urban factors in the mentioned trend. Library in Zadar is a real representative of those changes.
The local context was interpreted as a conflict between two matrices – urban on east side and suburban on west side. Their contemporary interpretation is overlapped within campus’ space, leaving public space in-between. New library building emerges between two dramatic changes of contemporary life: erosion of public space and explosion of new technologies. Both extremities are considered as starting point – library as series of approachable ambient.
Library = market = hotel = shopping
Design reflects the author’s attitude on autonomous architecture which hosts different purposes.
Mediterranean campus – contrary to orthogonal American schemes, Mediterranean variant is based on density and overlapping: faculty facilities, students’ housings, main public buildings, various landscape structures.
Previously set dynamics was followed, with special attention on the initial phase when only library was constructed. They were examined and organized on urbanism level, “Architecten Cie” study has been interpreted in details in terms of main public programs setting which are not in line with orthogonal raster of faculties and student housings but stay free in space.
Morphological suitability-residential and teaching programs have been solved as morphological interpretation of the existing structures from surroundings, detached objects and buildings so the entire program of houses and faculties is set in the following: double-slab with wide base (P+5) and baby-tower(P+4)–specially suitable for accommodation of teachers and post-graduate students.
Tiny structure of baby-towers is suitable for arranging in non-hierarchical way throughout whole area which results with 24/7 of life presence in campus.
Concept was based on Mediterranean topic, on the need for sun protection and shade creation and it has been defined with three constituent elements:
Surface – tree top of Mediterranean pine trees systematically overshadows events and gatherings;
Linear – lines of palms direction authorities and links of interest cores;
Spotty – bay hedgerow as background of certain activities and local wind protection.
Mediterranean garden – apart from the abovementioned elements, a number of smaller or bigger gardens is proposed which took local inspiration of private gardens from the East according to their format and horticulture topics more than it looks like social motive (“of no one’s) greenery around collective residential buildings on the West. Certain sites contain several objects linked in one administrative unit by underground garage. Underground garages have been developed in line with the guidelines with shown constructive system and proof of capacity and evacuation.
New library building is created between two dramatic changes of contemporary life: erosion of public space and explosion of new technologies. Both extremities are taken as starting point – a library as line of Ambient with Approach.
Design reflects attitude of the author on autonomy of architecture which hosts different purposes, as needed. “Site convergence“ – a term used by Mr Anthony Vidler when stressing a phenomenon that certain places converge in a certain way a certain purpose in certain time and circumstances. This is a conceptual platform for understanding of design strategy – a house with sequence of appropriate and different rooms which could be used also for a library.
“Ambient intercepted by books“ presents an operational discourse which lets gradual transfer from analog to digital library, a movement from the position of accumulation to the place with access. This secured a real transition into program structure for 21st century. Timeless shaping and volume strength tend to give necessary dignity to the house, which the institution needs, and at the same time it serves for detachment from corporative considering that most of new educational facilities in Croatia look like the most common business objects.
Front – does the house of this type need façade at all?
“House in shadow“ – climate aspect influences strongly perimeter concept and space organization. Introvert structure which organize programs around 3 inner yards enables optimal interior illumination by modular light and minimal perforation of the outer layer.
Structure of the house – constituent elements are the following: perimeter – thick cell structure for individual work, auxiliary rooms for the staff and supplementary sheds, fire escapes and elevators; barriers’ system – main open and half-open libraries; atriums – entrance with reflexive swimming pool, performative, green (from monastery collection); tower – administration and professional services.
Variety of atrium will contribute to various ways of consumption in seasonal and daily schedule.
Barriers’ system in the house takes over mild campus terrain slope and thus creates optimal relation between inner and outer. Open/closed – one of the basic topics of the library has been interpreted by structure of the house itself. Individual perimeter cells secure individual work as well as good, direct connection with other parts of the library. Huge central open spaces are oriented on atriums and they are locally supported by system of partitions and book shelves so that undisturbed individual work is possible even in this integral space.
Movement: promenade-like along barriers (convenient for disabled persons), by shortcuts – escalators, locally, informally – along perimeter.
Entrances: main – east side, from pedestrian transversal (park) through entering narthex towards the main reception desk. Car entrance from the west side is for guests, staff and books’ supply. Entrance for staff, kinder garden, individual cells café supplies are on the south.
Book spiral presents a typological pattern of the most efficient books’ storage in open access as shown in the OMA/Seattle example thus applied here. Surmounting of slope has been described by diagrams.
Technology – Apart from RFID system, other novelties regarding libraries were used such as securing possibility of whole day work in the individual cells with autonomous outer access and organization of work places with cupboards. Mechanical books transport is limited to classification of the stuff coming from the “book-mate” and for internal books arrangement while distribution to departments is performed by a pushcart considering that all levels are approachable by direct movement, horizontally or along minimal slope.
Hybridity as contemporary heritage is based on replacement of the contents which are displaced by library construction (kinder garden) as well as by proposal of some new. Thus, it is possible to play basketball in hidden (fourth) atrium and inside indented east front old persons can rest shortly after their ballot game.
Construction – simple AB skeleton construction with rational snaps for the panels without beams for installation routing, well matched with the optimum for underground garage. The highest level is projected as an integral space thus bridged by barrel-shaped AB vault on large span. Whole system stiffening is achieved by stiff perimeter system of vertical walls. Fronts are projected as prefabricated sandwich – panels of large formats performed at the site; they are coloured in terracotta nuances.
Ecology – Every kind of newfangled or esthetic thoughtlessness is avoided such as light steel high-tech houses or glass houses covered by net or wooden slats (very often found nowadays even on Mediterranean locations). The house must be rudiment, heavy and inert. Sun protection is an aspect solved by a minimal percentage of glass, introvert lightning concept and ventilation system. Possibility of natural ventilation is stressed and it is achieved by a horizontal atrium position or by a chimney secured by the fourth atrium.